The Power of Human Evolution

The Power of Human Evolution

Did you know that since 1781 (the discovery year of planet ‘Uranus’ by William Herschel) our physical bodies mutated to a ‘Uranian life cycle’ of 84 years? and as a result of that we gained 2 more energy hubs of information in our bodies?….” For the last 243 years we have been called ‘Homosepians Intransitus’= a transitional form preparing us towards the shift in background frequency starting February 2027. Before…

“הצ’לו אינטימי”

“הצ’לו אינטימי”

אני לא יודעת מה איתכם אבל במהלך 5 השנים האחרונות אני מרגישה שחוויתי שיעורי חיים אינטנסיביים מתמיד. העולם בתוכי חווה רמות חדשות של שינויים דרסטיים במצבי הרוח כתוצאה מהכאוס שאני מרגישה מהעולם שמחוץ לי. כתוצאה מכך גיליתי שאני מתעניינת יותר ויותר במציאת דרכים חלופיות להתמודד עם עולמי הפנימי בכדי לעבד את המחשבות והרגשות שלי טוב יותר. הבנתי שכדי להתמודד עם רמות גבוהות יותר של מתח- נדרשות ממני תובנות חדשות לגמרי….

The Prosperity Age of Sacred Knowledge

The Prosperity Age of Sacred Knowledge

When it comes to music, I’ve always loved the element of “creating a vibe” while performing or producing. I’ve been attracted to the word “vibration” from an early age. In the last few years, as I constantly continue to expand my consciousness- I feel attracted to research ‘sacred geometry’ in nature. Being a musician as well as a student of consciousness made it clear to me that I wanted to…

“Who Am I”?…

“Who Am I”?…

The existential question- “Who am I?” has been coming up for many of us all over the world- especially during the last few years… And even though we might at times be consumed with survival, unconscious distraction & entertainment- sooner or later we get to face- why we are actually here… What’s the purpose of this life… and we attempt to connect the dots for ourselves- for a better deeper…

The Importance of Sovereignty

The Importance of Sovereignty

I recently learned that when I speak my truth to another being- I am practicing my sovereignty… I also learned that It’s up to me to determine how I want things to be manifested in my life. All the ugly truth that is surfacing on a global scale now is also showing up within our individual lives. I believe it has to do with the say “As Within so without”….

Transformation is the key to evolution

Transformation is the key to evolution

In my early teens my ambition was to be the best cellist… Always aiming to prove and improve. This was me on the outside. On the inside my journey turned more creative as I began meditating, reading soulful literature, immersing myself in spiritual content which eventually lead to more introspection through writing, intuitive meditation through a joyful intimate music production and improvisation journey… I now realize the joy of spontaneous…

The danger of fear…

The danger of fear…

An intimate “soul sharing” of sorts… My beloved spiritual teacher, who left his body a little over 5 years ago, has been communicating with me asking me to share all of my soul’s greatest gifts. The first day we met, 24 years ago, he told me that I needed to stop being so afraid of my powers… he said he could see that I’m going to be a great teacher…

Mental Anxiety in the 2020’s:

Mental Anxiety in the 2020’s:

One of my ways to practice better self care is by spending more time in nature… This is something I find incredibly healing as it inspires me and brings me closer to my own inner guidance. When I’m by myself pondering about the world at large- I ask myself- “how do we find healthy ways to deal with the very strong division energy on Earth right now”? The Universal Law…