The Power of Human Evolution

Did you know that since 1781 (the discovery year of planet ‘Uranus’ by William Herschel) our physical bodies mutated to a ‘Uranian life cycle’ of 84 years? and as a result of that we gained 2 more energy hubs of information in our bodies?….”

For the last 243 years we have been called ‘Homosepians Intransitus’= a transitional form preparing us towards the shift in background frequency starting February 2027. Before the discovery of Uranus our energy was rooted in strategizing around the needs of the tribe- a leader was always making decisions for the others (control) by creating some kind of ‘divide & conquer’ strategies in order to survive.
Since 1781 we’ve been slowly discovering that our capacities to expand our consciousness through one another is growing. We’re gradually becoming even more sensitive to the wholeness of who we are as souls- which is why the mechanics of each individual’s energetic field can be seen through their BodyGraph, constructed with 9 centers.
Turns out this information only became available to us since the early 90’s. In 1987, Canadian man named Alan Krakower got contacted by a “voice” representing his highest dimensional self. That voice wanted to make sure he would not only share the information he received but most importantly initiate it into a system to serve the whole of Humanity, which he did. The ‘Human Design System’ was introduced to the world thanks to Alan’s efforts. After large parts of that information was scientifically approved- Alan changed his name to Ra Uru Hu.
The following video is narrated by Leann Wolff, a Human Design teacher who was once a student of Ra Uru Hu. This video talks about our transition to ‘9 centered beings’ and what it means for us today:
If you wanted to know the difference between the ‘9 centered being model’ and the ‘7 chakra system’ this would be a great article to learn from.
As 9 centered beings we are capable of having communion with others speaking our truth and dealing with our emotions intelligently. The exciting thing is that the “background frequency” of the tribal control era we’ve been dealing with during the last 409 years (‘The Cross of Planning’) is now finally disintegrating. We were in an era that was asking from us as individuals to everything we can to “support the tribe” and as a result of doing that- many of us forgot who we truly are.
In February 2027 a different background frequency will be experienced, which will bring the sovereign individual’s needs to the forefront (‘The Cross of the Sleeping Pheonix’ which is rising out of the ashes). This means it will be the era of self awareness. Being that we’re all connected to the same source of energy- we are all recognized as capable of enlightenment. Capable of Evolution. Capable of High Consciousness- this expansion will certainly last beyond our current lifetime. And as we are awakening to our powers we no longer need any external “role models” in order to feel worthy of becoming sovereigns. We already have all we need within us…
Watch this video by Projector Sam Zager talking about the new global cycle shift that is upon us in 2027. Sam is a teacher & a guide and I’ve learning a tuns from her on YouTube. She has the ‘Transmitter’ energetic role which I do too;
As you can see in my chart below I have 2 full channels- channel 26-44 between my heart & intuition as well as channel 18-58 between the intuition & the root. Our full channels define what our energetic roles are. For me its being a transmitter & an optimizer.

Channel 18-58 reveals a compelling combination of attributes, such as a passion for life (58), a quest for perfection (18), and it is connected to my gate of ‘Depth’ (48) which I have 4 times on my chart… That means I have a deep desire to “correct” what I perceive needs to change around me (this channel is also known as ‘the channel of judgement’ as it can bring different nuances of what one would do or think in order to be the optimizer that he/ she came here to be ).
Take for example the topic- “the illusion of separation”… this is something I have been meditating on for the past few years… When death comes and we go back to our source- all of us is reunited with it… In that case I wonder why we carry on pretending we’re separate from one another during this physical manifestation part of our soul journey?… why are we constantly having to forget that if we already know all that?…
I admit, this can seem challenging to grasp sometimes in this ‘limited’ physical reality- and yet the teachings of ‘duality’ offer us wonderful reflections to evolve through. Duality creates the illusion of separation but I believe that we are more ready then ever to find constructive ways to come together in ways that surpass any superficiality where we might be able to transcend these old paradigm programming such as “must compete to survive” or “must do as told to survive”. The new paradigm is allowing you to think for yourself and recognize your true natural powers.
This is where ‘brave vulnerability’ comes in. Your soul empowerment isn’t depended on how others perceive you rather- how you perceive yourself…

Within the Quarter of Duality you can find “The gate of depth”– 48 which is huge part of my soul purpose. I brought this up because being ourselves comes through curiosity. The curiosity “to know thyself”. I recommend everyone to implement more being-ness in their life so you can deeply tap into feeling into yourself… and so you can focus even more on the kind of things that last you a whole lifetime- the optimal health for your body, mind and spirit.
Unlike the old days- we don’t have to drop everything and move to the Himalayas in order to be in peace… we can now learn to observe our “inner chatter” by learning our Human Design chart. Learning that my soul’s” trajectory” is to “become the observer” helped me a lot (the trajectory is our individual journey from what we were born as to what we are here to become). We can determine our trajectory by taking the Personality Sun/ Earth Color (in my case 6= born as “observed” here to become “an observer”) then “Tone” to determine if left arrow (L) or right (R) arrow on top of the chart (in my case- Left= strategic mind).
If you’re not familiar with The Human Design System then these “key notes” may not tell you much… yet by studying your chart you will strengthen your inner knowing of your tendencies so you can make even more aligned decisions with more ease according to your design.
If you wanna learn more- feel free to either book a free Discovery Session with me at your earliest convenience or simply visit the RutiCelli Offerings page and I’ll be happy to answer any question you might have.