The Power of Human Evolution

The Power of Human Evolution

Did you know that since 1781 (the discovery year of planet ‘Uranus’ by William Herschel) our physical bodies mutated to a ‘Uranian life cycle’ of 84 years? and as a result of that we gained 2 more energy hubs of information in our bodies?….” For the last 243 years we have been called ‘Homosepians Intransitus’= a transitional form preparing us towards the shift in background frequency starting February 2027. Before…

The Sovereign Being

The Sovereign Being

Given that I’ve chosen to be very open and vulnerable about my life on social media these past few years- I am slowly realizing that my worst enemy has always been myself… I started noticing that when I tell myself that others might not love or connect with the “real me”- the manifestation of that is actually on me… I manifest my own thoughts… Given this recognition- I create my…

The Inquiry

The Inquiry

Gate 63 us not something I have in my chart however I am fascinated by its teachings I often feel overwhelmed by my mind and need to manage it. My chart shows Open Head Center and Undefined Ajna Center (thought processing). That means- I consider a lot of opinions and I seek a lot of meaning… The “Head Center” is all about “the seeking of meaning” and requires us to…

God Consciousness

God Consciousness

God consciousness, higher self, our connection to source energy is always within. It only wants what’s best for us and is always available for us to tap into. This is essentially love & worthiness energy… To remember that- is to practice it…To activate the remembrance is a practice and a meditation as the silence within is where we allow this magic to naturally happen… Worthiness is not something we receive…

The Gifts of ‘Dream Weaving’ Utilizing Your ‘Elemental Powers’

The Gifts of ‘Dream Weaving’ Utilizing Your ‘Elemental Powers’

Higher Self Empowerment has nothing to do with our conditioned self or with gaining any external false ‘power’ either. It has everything to do with the natural elemental powers we were each born with… You see.. We’ve all been conditioned to think that power is measured by money, prestige or hierarchal position. That kind of power usually forces people to compromise their integrity in the process of trying to gain…

‘The Power of Words’

‘The Power of Words’

Music is a wonderful outlet of expression that does not require words… And yet, being so blessed with the ability to express myself freely without any words- I find that words are the most powerful tool I have besides music… The book “Feel Free to prosper” by Marilyn Jenett suggests that “our words become our claim. It is our claim to our natural inheritance. It become the bridge between our…

Heart Opening Music

Heart Opening Music

As a musician who’s been on a journey of spiritual awakening for over 23 years now- I find my journey excitingly unique and very transformative, which seems to align with many other’s journeys. Given that I’ve enjoyed music production creativity so much it fulfilled my desires to learn, to observe my mind, to express myself & to enjoy publishing my work. It entertains me both from the right side of…

What is Duality?

What is Duality?

In Mattias De Stefano’s teachings- “duality” is a dimension of creation. A force that allows us to create a lot of realities so that “the self” can see different perspectives of itself. In this article I attempt to bring light onto Stefano’s teachings, with the intention of connecting the dots between the”Right Brain” and the “Left Brain”. This, I believe- can help us understand our human potential, as we better…

The Importance of Sovereignty

The Importance of Sovereignty

I recently learned that when I speak my truth to another being- I am practicing my sovereignty… I also learned that It’s up to me to determine how I want things to be manifested in my life. All the ugly truth that is surfacing on a global scale now is also showing up within our individual lives. I believe it has to do with the say “As Within so without”….