Blue Sky with Birds

The Gifts of ‘Dream Weaving’ Utilizing Your ‘Elemental Powers’

Higher Self Empowerment has nothing to do with our conditioned self or with gaining any external false ‘power’ either. It has everything to do with the natural elemental powers we were each born with…

You see.. We’ve all been conditioned to think that power is measured by money, prestige or hierarchal position. That kind of power usually forces people to compromise their integrity in the process of trying to gain that kind of power. My question is- isn’t it more worthy of our precious life to actually learn how to embody our birth given powers by ourselves- without being conditioned to sell out to any social rules?…

Only I can chose to give my power away to others, yet I have chosen to examine whether this unconscious conditioning of giving my powers away to others actually gives me anything back… Does it actually serve me to give away my powers? Well.. all my experiments show that it has not served me to give away any of my powers except for the fact that I get to learn from it and not do it again…

This is why I realized that due to conditioning I must realize why I loose touch with the fact that I don’t always treat myself as a Divine Sovereign Being.

Unless you take your power back in your hands- you will be overpowered by others that don’t always have your best interests at heart…

When it comes to money, recognizing that I can’t always survive or function without it- doesn’t actually empower me.. Once I realized that I dont feel empowered by my scarcity mindset- I decided to change it. I had to surrender to my higher self guidance by experimenting with new ways to embodying my powers myself.

That is when I came across “Dream Weaving” in the summer of 2020. I learned that my true empowerment is actually connected to my own abilities to embody the 4 natural elements (Fire. Air. Water. Earth) which are always available and given to me by the universe. And when I recognize how to use them consciously as my medicine- they become my clarity to my super powers.

The natives and their Shamans have been teaching for decades about the power of Dream Weaving with the elements. Starting from igniting the inner fire– the true passion for life… which is our motivation for being, doing, creating, living… that is literally the thing that gets you up in the morning… your desire to enjoy, to be yourself, to be loved and to be of value in the world. As you let this fire burn through you- you let it also help you transcend any fears which might be blocking you from achieving your biggest visions and your heart felt desires.

Once you know your fire powers- you are ready to tap into your ‘air medicine’ to help you attract your vibrational match. How? By learning the power of your words in combination with the understanding of the ‘law of attraction’. Air is very much about your spiritual truth and your wisdom. You are a divine being and you deserve to be seen, heard, acknowledged, accepted and loved. You also deserve to express yourself so that you’ll never have to suppress your light ever again. You will find the people that are able to accept and love you as you are once you’ll be able hold that vibration of worthiness for yourself. Know you are worthy, know you are divine. Speak of yourself in that way and know that you already have what you want. The universe wants you to have that. It is here to assist you to get what you want but you’ll have to acknowledge this power if you want to attract the vibration that will match to yours. You only attract according to your words, so it is important to be very conscious and impeccable with what you say.

Once you’ve effortlessly attracted your tribal support- together you can begin to co-create and build your shared visions (granted that they are your vibrational match). That is when you allow your ‘earth medicine’ to ground you into the roots of this amazing planet so that together you can be powerful and help one another to attract abundance through more vibrational matches.

By now you are bringing the flow of the ‘water medicine’ to your life and as the co-creative magic flows through you- you continue to hold the vibration of gratitude which will also inspire and bless others.

Utilizing these teachings can be true empowerment to humanity, as we can all learn to embody the blessings and medicines of the elements.

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