Body of Water

The danger of fear…

An intimate “soul sharing” of sorts…

My beloved spiritual teacher, who left his body a little over 5 years ago, has been communicating with me asking me to share all of my soul’s greatest gifts.

The first day we met, 24 years ago, he told me that I needed to stop being so afraid of my powers… he said he could see that I’m going to be a great teacher some day… I learned that very early on, that I must get rid of my own fears, in order to fulfill my destiny in the world…

For years I had lived in a commune, sharing much with people who loved and respected our teacher. We had a profound experiences, which brought about much laughter as well as tears… (especially when realizing the importance of acceptance)… It brought about a deep necessity for healing within me, which I am greatful for because I can better understand how it helped me re-discover myself…

I now recognize that the more I allow any manipulation or mind control to get to me through fear – the more I fall out of alignment with my higher self. As I am beginning to realize that my soul is meant to grow through nourishment and through the sharing of its highest vibrations- it can not radiate any light through fear…

When we relate through fear we magnify it. When someone is trying to tell you what is right or wrong for you they often try to insert fear into your psyche .

I believe the soul wants to share its light innocently… and that’s what I intend to do with my life- to share my inner light, fearlessly. I believe in my ability to share what’s inside of me in a trusting and loving way and those who are thirsty for this kind of inner love will resonate… We are all spiritually connected. The illusion of separation is the biggest lie that ever lived through social manipulation. Loving unconditionally connects everything and everyone, no matter what you believe might be standing in the way.

I think I was born to Teach. Lead. Inspire. Develop. Collaborate. Join forces.

Love is like a drug for me, and I feel it is needed everywhere… It’s love that brings us closer with others and when it comes from sharing.

The energy of love always brings health to my body… that’s how i know it’s miracle is real. When I feel the difference within myself, how it brings about peace of mind and purifies my heart- that is how I know that no one can take it away from me.

I feel that “not choosing to express our internal experience” is like putting our heads in the sand in a way. And the thinking that one is above others, allowing themselves to judge anyone- is even worst. Spiritual egos are the worst kinds out there and must be heavily observed. We all got the responsibility to constantly watch our judgement. Nothing in this world can justify any judgment towards others. If we want true healing on the planet we have to start accepting ourselves before we can accept others within ourselves. Accepting everyone is such a powerful teaching.

To teach others I have to embody every day the best version of myself. I’m just now coming to terms with all of that and start owning my gifts! Finally!!

And it’s ok if others don’t choose to listen to what has helped me. My love will never be forced on anyone. If others resonate, great!

In one of Osho’s books I read that its ok to allow others to insult us. It helps us to keep alert and become a warrior of light. Fearless is built when we do no harm but take no BS.That is the way of the peaceful warrior…

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