The art of being yourself…

I am so glad you’re here, now that we moved this blog into ‘The RutiCelli Vortex’…
Today I am inspired to share with you a little bit about the discovery of “who I really am” through studying my Human Design Chart…
I believe I wrote about this before- about the fact that what we are is the embodiment of our soul and our unique soul is the journey of discovery we are here to make sense of… and so, to me it makes a lot of sense that studying my chart can actually help with that… 🙂
One of the most amazing things I discovered from my chart is that I have gate 48 (Depth) 4 times in my chart, meaning- that is the most dominant teaching I personally have during this life as well as my biggest gift to the world! And that gift is the ability and the need to transcend any Inadequacy the human soul might have about its potential for wisdom. One can do that by tapping into all their resources (people, knowledge, inner work, connections, material goods) to experience an over flow of abundance. ‘Wisdom’ has the highest vibrational quality within this gate and Richard Rudd from the ‘Gene Keys’ (a sister system to ‘Human Design’) says that it is referred to our ability to get enlightened, it is the energy in which we arrive at when we transcend any idea that we are inadequate in any way.
From a Human Design perspective and even just from pure logic- we know that not everyone shares the same gates, and in this case that means that not every soul is here to tap into their innermost depth… however, I would like to add to that by suggesting that even if that is so- everyone can always chose to tap into other soul’s journeys with depth which bring forth the vibrational quality of wisdom into their lives just as well 🙂
I believe we are given the exact energies we need in order to make the absolute best out of this incarnation and evolve into the next one. In my case it is related to my own unique transformation as gate 48 appears in both my conscious and unconscious Pluto placements- the planet of metamorphoses… It also appears in my unconscious Mars & Venus energies which means my unconscious abilities to manipulate energy through depth (Mars) and my unconscious ability to relate to others through depth (Venus).
The gift of gate 48 is the ability to tap into one’s resources to transmit this depth. And since I am a ‘Transmitter’ (channel 26-44) I use it for the sake of supporting my true tribe, which in this case here is you… and anyone enjoying reading this blog… And since transmitting can only happen by invitation- I am being guided from one moment to the next to listen to my intuition in order to run this energy correctly. According to all the teachings of the Human Design system- we very much need to learn to run our energy correctly in order to get access to the specific signature we actually came here to experience. For me that would be the Projector’s signature of “Success”. For you- depending on your Aura type it could be either Success like me, Satisfaction (Generators/Manifesting Generators), Peace (Manifestors) and Surprise (Reflectors). However, we all need to be vibrationally aligned in order to materialize our dreams through this specific signature as well as attract the soul tribe that is meant for us.
Now. Since no two souls have the same wisdom- life becomes a journey of recognizing soul value. As my a conscious transmitter channel is paired with ‘innocence motivation’ and with the soul trajectory of the ‘observer’- my specific intuition is designed to be a resource for you. It’s designed to enrich you, uplift you and help you feel better about your life.. And when my throat center gets ignited by the transits I can transmit while talking. Not being born with constant access to my throat power I feel more secure to transmit through my cello but when the current transit offers the correct energy to supports my ability to speak & write I do more of that as well.
Interesting thing is that the original inspiration for this particular came from a comment I found myself making on a social media post regarding the journey of ‘self oppression’. It was about the fact that we can all suffer from a terrible relationship with ourselves and unconsciously hurt ourselves as a result of avoiding seeing relationships as the perfect mirroring of ourselves…. The teaching here is for us to relate with ourselves more lovingly.
In human design we learn that some of us fulfill our soul purpose by choosing to focus on the teachings of ‘Duality’ which are done through ALL of our Relationships. And so that teaching means that all the relationships we have with others are truly the reflection of the relationships we have with ourselves. This is your chance to express yourself in a way that honors your needs. It honors your boundaries and your design. This is where knowing yourself becomes so crucial and I’m here to help with that, should you feel called to work with me.
If you wanted to learn more about your soul’s scared geometry feel free to book yourself a free Discovery Session with me. My unique soul wisdom is here to support your understanding of yourself during this precious short lifetime.