View of Nature

Intoxicated with Gratitude

Many people can be channellers, mainly because of the fact that strong intuition comes with trust… It seems to me that these days more and more people are coming to terms with their inner gifts of channeling their higher self through their offerings.

After years of initiations and meditation practices of sorts, I realized that until I don’t allow myself to believe that I too I can connect to source energy- I won’t actually be able to channel.

I believe that this is why my spiritual teacher used to talk to me about the importance of falling in love with myself in order to realizes that I would never truly need anything or anyone else to fill in any possible gaps for myself… He would say that “only when your cup is full can you give anyone else”…

When I fall in love with my true essence- that spark within me not only ignited me but it very quickly started igniting others too.

At that point my search for acceptance expanded and my connection with sacred plant medicine allowed for an even deeper acceptance. A sense of inner completion begin creating an inner alignment for a purposeful intentional creation. I began paying attention to synchronicity… the “chain of events” that mysteriously keeps “connecting the dots” of my higher soul’s purpose, leading to further expansion and to an introspective intoxication of sorts… That’s when I begun feeling an internal bliss…

I believe that this spiritual awakening timeline we’re in right now is a divine portal of sorts, accelerating a huge global transformation in a miraculous way… I find myself baring witness to “quantum leaping” through expansive conversations within my communities. We’re all so much more connected to our intuition when we chose to talk about it, write about it, blog about it and publish powerful content about it. This journey has been nothing short of miraculous.

This is why I speak and write of it often. And I sense that it’s happening to more and more people around me… for we are recognizing how gratitude grows and frees us from the old dying paradigm.

I am finally able to release the blockages from my throat chakra. I am now able to speak and write freely. I focus on continuing living my bliss by simply being myself and by choosing to observe everything. Especially my own reactions to the external world.

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