Up and personal…

As a professional classically trained cellist (with 35 years of performance experience in multiple genres and international touring) as well as 25 years of deep mindfulness practices (including the human design system)- I realized after years of trials and errors that I wasn’t born to fit into any mold in society and that is part of my genius. My gist is connected to the journey of trusting my intuition and since my intuition wants me to trust in my uniqueness- I had to learn to truly surrender to that.
I developed “the courage to go beyond” in my life- in multiple areas. During the pandemic I was in LA, living there for 2 years thinking to myself that “this is where meant to be, this is my new home to build my unique career in”… only to find out that I needed more psychic space to be truly my authentic self and so the forest was calling me…
In November 2020 I moved to The Redwoods (Sonoma County) and with the support of plant medicine I decided to trust myself enough and focus on building a career that will mix all of my passions together. I even consulted with AI and I now have a unique system that offers support for people to learn how to recognize their unique magic through their unique gifts.
My guidance comes through spiritual inspiration from the wisdom I gathered throughout my life including “the human design system” which I teach.
I also add all my musical skills to it. This website. is intended to inspire you to recognize that there is no time to waist on not being spiritually liberated and fulfilled in this lifetime. We’re in a time of global transformation which calls for internal transformation.
This website shares the story of my awakening to my unique potential and why I think humanity is in such a pivotal moment of recognizing our highest potential for fulfillment as sovereign individuals while the systems are literally collapsing… because we most definitely CAN re-create our sovereignly within a new system, we just need to learn tp trust our individual authorities… that ay we ca create a better future for the next generations and leave this planet better then when we found it…
The “Age of Aquarius” speaks a lot on this major transformation & time of change.
If you like to be in my tribe I’d like to meet you and help you tap even deeper into the potential of my system in support your journey, so that you can be a part of this movement. It’s all about sovereignty. It’s about the beauty of our uniqueness (on a soul level) and the love that is within us all that is here to help us through this transformational age.
I’m calling in effortless healthy regional, national & international business alignments and a clear structure to offer all our unique designs in a way that helps us all live a better life. It has to be a win win for all of us!
I have lots of offerings and they all focus on the same thing- increased self awareness.
I provide energetic blueprint/ guidance to support you how to work with your unique authority versus being conditioned by the external influences/ authorities around you. I believe that the only way we can evolve at this point is by learning how to listen to our own individual inner authority. That’s why I love the human design system so much- it teaches exactly that… so I’m super passionate about it!
I also love that my musical offerings are about this intention to bring self awareness. As a cellist I’m really a channeler of music, It comes through me in the moment. It’s always very very deep and rather hypnotizing… i have a fair bit of music production experience and skills which helped me create good sound quality, (something that I am always open to improve).
If you resonate and feel a heart connection- let me know… I’d love to hear more about your work/ life and tap into our potential together. The alignment has to be on a soul level, everything else works itself out from there…