Mission Statement

My work is all about learning and understanding the beauty and the difference of each soul essence- so that I can help others recognize the importance of supporting one another in recognizing unique qualities within individuals so that we can all better work together and co-create the life we want on a currently changing Earth.

In many spiritual circles including The Human Design, The Gene Keys & The Astrology worlds- a conversation is taking place these days about how the cosmos (which is constantly affecting our individual energy) is constantly affecting us even more as we shift through one of the most noticeable cycle changes the Earth can ever experience. In February 2027 we will enter a new 412 years global cycle– marking the end of an era. These 412 years cycles have been going on for eons. The one we’re on currently has been the same since 1615 and named “The Cross of Planning”. This cross its represented by Human Design gates 40, 37, 9 & 16- bringing the energy of channel 40-37: ‘Tribal support’. At the end of this current cycle we will be moving into a new cycle named- “The Cross of The Sleeping Phoenix” (gates 20, 34, 55 & 59) represented by the energy pf channel 20-37 that speaks to ‘The charisma of the Sovereign’ . In other words- the old system of the Cross of Planning which was built on how we are to support the tribe (family, nation etc) -is now disintegrating & shifting into an era where the ‘system” will have to support the power of the sovereign, worthy charismatic individual. What this means is that the individual is getting an opportunity to move into a space where the only tribe that will be correct for it is the kind of tribe that supports its sovereign powers.

I intend to help people embody this shift frequencies since the background frequency will be felt and more people will beed guidance to understand “how to be”. Therefor, by helping more people to better understand the tools they have as energetic beings they will be able to embody and become empowered by this shift.

I am here to help sovereigns to:

  1. Reach higher levels of consciousness so that Earth can attain higher level of peace, economic thriving and well-being.
  2. Lead their true authentic tribes.
  3. Recognize they have the cosmic support to honor each soul for what it is, with more ease. 
  4. Experience significant detachment from the old paradigm energies 
  5. Follow their internal authorities instead of the external ones
  6. Realize their sovereign powers 
  7. Understanding their deep programming do they can become better more compassionate leaders
  8. Learn to read and discern others
  9. Become aware of the 2027 cosmic shift

What am I specifically planning to do until and after 2027 to help out these individuals:

  1. To empower them to know their inner authority by giving them their human design readings 
  2. To empower them to recognize their sovereignty
  3. To help them to understand the power of communal presence through giving sound healing journeys to develop connection and trust with each other 
  4. To empower parents to know their kid’s purpose by giving them human design readings 
  5. To Empower people to do what they love so they can experience more joy from their lives 

My core values are:

  1. Cultivating Inner Peace through Music & Self Awareness 
  2. Sovereignty Education & Embodiment 
  3. Compassion through De-programming
  4. Collective Energetic Education

What I am here to do:

  1. Create public events for sharing and educating the community about the power and importance of our individual awakening yo our soul powers (Human Design): Higher Consciousness events, Spiritual Awakening events, Global Awakening events, Human Design events, Sound Healing events, Soul Music events, Sacred Plant Medicine events, Exclusive Sacred Dance & Music events,
  2. Offer private sessions, readings, recordings & lessons to learn from my soul medicine: Human Design Readings, Sound Healing Journeys in 432Hz, Cello lessons, Cello Recording sessions
  3. Offer private and corporate events to serving as a cellist & artist. These are: Weddings, Private dinner parties,  Birthday, parties, Celebrations of any kind, Company parties, Corporation promotional events,
  4. Offer cello performance services for/ with other musicians as a cellist & artist: Performing on my own bands’s shows, Performing as a featured guest artist at different Bands performances

Who are my clients:

  • People interested in inner peace & soul awakening
  • Higher consciousness individuals & communities
  • Those needing to healing illness & self-care
  • Sound Healing lovers
  • Cello Lovers
  • Sound Frequency Lovers
  • Human Design lovers