The Power of Perspective

The Power of Perspective

Nature has always been huge for my wellbeing… When I lived in Miami I hanged out by the beach quite a lot… I would enjoy the humid air and the feeling of good health… After moving to the Redwoods forest in November 2020 I got a boost of oxygen to my brain as well as connected with plant medicine and immediately I got wider perspective on my life… and when I…

The Sovereign Being

The Sovereign Being

Given that I’ve chosen to be very open and vulnerable about my life on social media these past few years- I am slowly realizing that my worst enemy has always been myself… I started noticing that when I tell myself that others might not love or connect with the “real me”- the manifestation of that is actually on me… I manifest my own thoughts… Given this recognition- I create my…

The Inquiry (from Doubt to Truth)

The Inquiry (from Doubt to Truth)

I often feel overwhelmed by my mind and need to manage it. My chart shows Open Head Center and Undefined Ajna Center (thought processing). That means- I consider a lot of opinions and I seek a lot of meaning… Which is why gate 63 (iChing/ Human Design/ Gene Keyes) fascinates me. It is named the Gate of Doubts. The “Head Center” is all about “the seeking of meaning” and requires…

Just Be You

Just Be You

Do you sometimes struggle with vulnerability? Do you ever find yourself trying hard to be socially accepted by trying to become someone other than yourself? Do you ever feel a little lost in the process of trying to understand who you actually are?… It takes courage to admit that… and I want to inspire and encourage you to allow yourself to love yourself by being honest with yourself about this….

The Evolution of Human Consciousness

The Evolution of Human Consciousness

We are in the beginning stages of the biggest collective awakening ever seen in the history of mankind I like to see myself as a conscious creative soul… constantly expressing herself, touching on what she’s seeing and sensing in the world around her… particularly focused on things she’s learning… Here is something I’m currently learning about myself: I value letting go of all the mental programming that don’t serve me…

If you’re open to it…

If you’re open to it…

If you’re open to it- I’d love to share with you a story… Its about a girl who discovered her authentic self, as it was mirrored to her by the external world… Her thirst for creativity expresses the deepest contemplations of who she knows her essence to be beyond time & space… Craving intimacy she channels her soul through her actions, her art, her words… Supporting her intention to walk…

‘Sovereign Liberation’ and how its related to the art of ‘Intimate Cello’

‘Sovereign Liberation’ and how its related to the art of ‘Intimate Cello’

“Becoming a great writer involves taking huge risks. Its all about the responsibility to be true to yourself while remaining impeccable with your words by “walking your talk” in the world”… … attracting genuine satisfaction that will effortlessly align all areas of your life- health, love, community, connection to nature, spirituality, finances and more… Much like in my public professional life where I am known for my abilities to “compose…

“הצ’לו אינטימי”

“הצ’לו אינטימי”

אני לא יודעת מה איתכם אבל במהלך 5 השנים האחרונות אני מרגישה שחוויתי שיעורי חיים אינטנסיביים מתמיד. העולם בתוכי חווה רמות חדשות של שינויים דרסטיים במצבי הרוח כתוצאה מהכאוס שאני מרגישה מהעולם שמחוץ לי. כתוצאה מכך גיליתי שאני מתעניינת יותר ויותר במציאת דרכים חלופיות להתמודד עם עולמי הפנימי בכדי לעבד את המחשבות והרגשות שלי טוב יותר. הבנתי שכדי להתמודד עם רמות גבוהות יותר של מתח- נדרשות ממני תובנות חדשות לגמרי….