The Art of Falling in Love with your Uniqueness

The Art of Falling in Love with your Uniqueness

To be unique is to recognize yourself as pure love. We are all born unique, radiating our essence effortlessly—until conditioning steps in. Society, religion, and family often teach us that we are inherently unworthy, that we must work hard to “earn” love, that we must follow external authorities to find salvation. But let’s be real… that’s total BS, isn’t it? I never resonated with religious structures, even though I was…

Relationship Harmonizing Workshop

Relationship Harmonizing Workshop

I’m currently offering a 6 hours ‘compatiability workshop’ – integrating ‘Human Design’ into the inner life of any couple (romantic, work colleagues, friends or relatives). This is an workshop day and is designed to help you learn more about your compatibility from the energetic perspective. This modality- is all about supporting your ability to know yourselves better as individuals so that you can stand side by side with even more…

The art of being yourself…

The art of being yourself…

I am so glad you’re here, now that we moved this blog into ‘The RutiCelli Vortex’… Today I am inspired to share with you a little bit about the discovery of “who I really am” through studying my Human Design Chart… I believe I wrote about this before- about the fact that what we are is the embodiment of our soul and our unique soul is the journey of discovery…

The Evolution of Human Consciousness

The Evolution of Human Consciousness

We are in the beginning stages of the biggest collective awakening ever seen in the history of mankind I like to see myself as a conscious creative soul… constantly expressing herself, touching on what she’s seeing and sensing in the world around her… particularly focused on things she’s learning… Here is something I’m currently learning about myself: I value letting go of all the mental programming that don’t serve me…

‘Sovereign Liberation’ and how its related to the art of ‘Intimate Cello’

‘Sovereign Liberation’ and how its related to the art of ‘Intimate Cello’

“Becoming a great writer involves taking huge risks. Its all about the responsibility to be true to yourself while remaining impeccable with your words by “walking your talk” in the world”… … attracting genuine satisfaction that will effortlessly align all areas of your life- health, love, community, connection to nature, spirituality, finances and more… Much like in my public professional life where I am known for my abilities to “compose…

“הצ’לו אינטימי”

“הצ’לו אינטימי”

אני לא יודעת מה איתכם אבל במהלך 5 השנים האחרונות אני מרגישה שחוויתי שיעורי חיים אינטנסיביים מתמיד. העולם בתוכי חווה רמות חדשות של שינויים דרסטיים במצבי הרוח כתוצאה מהכאוס שאני מרגישה מהעולם שמחוץ לי. כתוצאה מכך גיליתי שאני מתעניינת יותר ויותר במציאת דרכים חלופיות להתמודד עם עולמי הפנימי בכדי לעבד את המחשבות והרגשות שלי טוב יותר. הבנתי שכדי להתמודד עם רמות גבוהות יותר של מתח- נדרשות ממני תובנות חדשות לגמרי….

The Prosperity Age of Sacred Knowledge

The Prosperity Age of Sacred Knowledge

When it comes to music, I’ve always loved the element of “creating a vibe” while performing or producing. I’ve been attracted to the word “vibration” from an early age. In the last few years, as I constantly continue to expand my consciousness- I feel attracted to research ‘sacred geometry’ in nature. Being a musician as well as a student of consciousness made it clear to me that I wanted to…

“Who Am I”?…

“Who Am I”?…

The existential question- “Who am I?” has been coming up for many of us all over the world- especially during the last few years… And even though we might at times be consumed with survival, unconscious distraction & entertainment- sooner or later we get to face- why we are actually here… What’s the purpose of this life… and we attempt to connect the dots for ourselves- for a better deeper…

Intimate Cello – a Sovereign Art

Intimate Cello – a Sovereign Art

As a passionate musician who has been on a spiritual path for last 23 years, my world recently shifted from being a hired professional freelance musician to an awakened artist discovering and sharing her true identity as a free spirit. ‘Intimate Cello’ was born as an improvisational art, performed on my cello as its tuned to A- 432Hz, also known as “The Harmonic Intonation of Nature”. It is partly inspired…