Sun Light Blue Skies

God Consciousness

God consciousness, higher self, our connection to source energy is always within. It only wants what’s best for us and is always available for us to tap into.

This is essentially love & worthiness energy… To remember that- is to practice it…To activate the remembrance is a practice and a meditation as the silence within is where we allow this magic to naturally happen…

Worthiness is not something we receive as an external validation rather as an inner knowing.

You could be struggling with something and finding it hard to get it going… it has nothing to do with lack of worthiness. It is simply the lack of remembrance of your worthiness that causes that. Lack is not God consciousness. Lack is the absence of God consciousness.

When connecting with others- its important to connect with them as wholesome beings. Meet people eye to eye. Smile to them. Intend for kindness of heart. This is where God consciousness is. Where it can be ignited within others.

God consciousness is also the one that will show you where to go… It is the kindness of life, the beauty of being alive and that we are given this gift to connect to God consciousness.

Love is the remembrance that this kindness is what brings God consciousness even when you haven’t practiced remembering that your whole life. In one instant life can change when you realize that the connection you to seek, the intimacy you so want and deserve- is within you and within your inner God consciousness… because it really gives you that sense of intimacy and when you realize that it has been there for you all along- waiting for you to connect to it, waiting for you to remember it… that is when you can claim it… It has always been there for you to enjoy.

God consciousness shows you that it’s not the people nor the places that make a difference in your life. It’s only your connection to it that can actually help you making sense of your life. You’ll never feel alone when you remember your inner God consciousness… Being in love with life is God consciousness… being in love with the connection to it- is what actually helps you… You’ll never feel alone when you remember God consciousness… Being in love with that tenderness inside is what makes you feel blessed…

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