A shift in background frequencies is upon us

In 2023 Pluto, the plant of transformation shifted to the sign of Aquarius helping us transform from within. This is happening for every individual on Earth whether they are taped into it or not- this is a big part of the shift everyone is talking about- into a new era.
However Pluto is just one planet- many more cosmic shifts are supporting the change. In February 2027 we are “cosmically scheduled” to enter a new 412 years of a new global cycle marking an end of an era that held a very ‘Tribal energy’. Every one of these 412 years cycles (which the Earth has been experiencing for eons- has a different energy (see photo below). The cycle we’re currently finishing (which has been here since 1615) is named “The Cross of Planning”. This cross its represented by 4 Human Design gates 40, 37, 9 & 16- bringing the energy of channel 40-37: ‘Tribal support’. At the end of this current cycle we will be moving into a new cycle named- “The Cross of The Sleeping Phoenix” (gates 20, 34, 55 & 59) represented by the energy of channel 20-37 that speaks to ‘The charisma of the Individual’. In other words- the old energy of the ‘Cross of Planning’ was built on how we are each meant to “support the tribe leader before ourselves” (family, nation, corporations etc) -is now disintegrating & shifting into an era where the tribe will have to support the power of the much awakened sovereign & charismatic individual. What this means is that ‘Individual Consciousness’ is getting a massive opportunity to move into a totally new space where the only tribe that will be “correct” for the sovereign- is the kind of tribe that supports his/ hers sovereign powers.
This is largely why I do the work that I do. I am here to help people prepare and learn how to embody this shift in frequencies since it will be felt and many people will need guidance to understand “how to be” in this new energy. Conditioning will play a huge role in this and for that it is important for each of us to do as much de-conditioning work as possible. Utilize our individual strategy and authority (splenic, emotional, sacral, Self, ego etc). Therefor, helping more people to better understand the tools they have as energetic beings- will assist them to embody and become empowered by this inevitable cosmic shift.
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