RutiCelli Walking in the Hills

The Sovereign Being

Given that I’ve chosen to be very open and vulnerable about my life on social media these past few years- I am slowly realizing that my worst enemy has always been myself… I started noticing that when I tell myself that others might not love or connect with the “real me”- the manifestation of that is actually on me… I manifest my own thoughts…

Given this recognition- I create my reality within me. Only I can take back my powers and give myself a big pat on my back for my achievements in life…

Doubts aren’t real unless we feed them. That’s how powerful we are. When I learned to watch my demonic doubts and not get too involved or attached to their challenging me in the moment- they eventually disappear. Doubts, fears, demons, shadows- they can all disappear from one moment to the next… That is the meaning of transformation as we are vibrational auric beings. We are made of energy!

That is what each gate in Human Design represents. The journey from the lower vibration shadow aspect of that energy within us (within any of given gates) towards the gift of that particular energy and eventually it can also be expressed as the enlightened manifestation of that whole journey…

So lets say, in my case- if my worst enemy is my own “fear of inadequacy” then perhaps putting down my own armors & arrows with others should logically help with that…

When I think of a “peaceful world”- I think of people working on themselves first, before projecting any of their stuff on their closest relationships….

None of us is ever going to be idealistically “perfect” nor should we ever expected that to be the case. That in of itself is an example of ‘Pure Programming’. All of us have very different challenges which no one knows about… Even within our families- we never truly know what someone is going through unless we talk to them about it all…

We all deserve to be heard, seen, accepted for who we truly are as we are all entirely different in the way we are wired to the earth. We are each justified in a divine orchestrated sacred geometry kind of way. And that is our unique beautiful ‘Human Design’ right. To be ourselves….

I believe we each chose our physical incarnation, and that we’re not here by any kind of unconscious accident. I also believe that everyone’s life is super precious and therefor our powers must be remembered by us…

No one is above the other yet some will try to pretend…

We have the power to work together if we remember that the individual is only safe within a tribe that supports its individuality.

And to be the healthy shining vibrant individual that you are designed to be- you need to treat yourself with love and care or else you will stay in the low vibration, suffer and miss out on the many gifts of life…

I start by showing up as myself, right here right now. And I invite you to do the same. Show up for yourself as yourself. Be the authentic you which you know is so gifted. Stand for your rights and celebrate your life. You can’t go wrong when you’re in your vortex= your truth, your light, your flow, your worthiness, your divinity, your godliness, your endless conscious energy source. That is your right. To live your true signature until you’re ready to move out of this divine vessel.

To learn more about your unique sovereign powers- feel free to book yourself a free Discovery Session with me….

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