The Inquiry (from Doubt to Truth)
I often feel overwhelmed by my mind and need to manage it. My chart shows Open Head Center and Undefined Ajna Center (thought processing). That means- I consider a lot of opinions and I seek a lot of meaning…
Which is why gate 63 (iChing/ Human Design/ Gene Keyes) fascinates me. It is named the Gate of Doubts.
The “Head Center” is all about “the seeking of meaning” and requires us to inquire beyond doubt in order to get to the bottom of the truth regarding any desired subject…

The truth is found outside the mind- understanding how/ why/ what we each manifest so that we can understand how to be more in alignment with what we truly want to experience in this life. You have your individual journey alongside other individuals… Have you noticed how some people may not fully understand the power of knowing what they want to experience, leaving them to manifest a reality “by default”, unable to comprehend how it all happened?…
Meditation helped me all throughout the years. For me- each and every one of my manifestations needs my conscious observation so that I can make sure to take full responsibility that it all happens as a result of my vibration. My being open to inquiry means- allowing myself to be observant without judgment. Learning about my vibrations has been one of the most fascinating journeys of my life. Is that the same for you?… do you find yourself wonder who you really are and why you’re here?… I do… all the time… Open crown means I am as open as can be when it comes to seeking meaning behind all my life’s mysteries…
I have been recently listening to the inspirational speaker/channeler/author- Abraham Hicks and receiving the reminder to chose my thoughts and actions carefully. And that life doesn’t have to be a struggle at all and yet when it feels like it is- we can chose to take a step back and sit to meditate on it. We can look at it without judging ourselves or others reality changes. At times you might consider to be guided by the Earth Wisdom- by choosing a sacred plant medicine to bring you even closer towards loving yourself as a soul.
Do you resonate with the idea that life is like a game we get to play which has a never ending cycle of lessons and do-over opportunities? these situations ask us to make aligned choices by being wholehearted in the choices we make in each and every moment… Do you see how not doubting in your choices can lead to learning the deepest truth available to you? so that you can improve your experiences by knowing the worth of true freedom and joy?…
In my experience doubting in my intuition can not open me up to my Inner guidance, instead it creates many inner conflicts… If you and I ever meet in person- ask me to share some stories with you regarding this topic. In Human Design my dynamic life force (Conscious Sun energy) is described as an “open book” (gate 26)- which doesn’t like hiding anything about itself from others… for me- embracing myself vulnerability allows me to be me even more and I am now learning how to speak about it as an inner power.
We can all tap into our highest most authentic truth without depending on other people to teach us their experiences or suggest to follow their guidance… And given that I am a “single definition”- I really need to learn to listen to myself first… I invite you to listen to Abraham Hicks talking about the “law of attraction” and how doubting yourself will keep manifesting in your life, through attracting others who also doubt in themselves. Try to go beyond doubt by not giving up on the truth that only you are here to tap into. Your intuition will never lie.
If you are interested to learn more about your unique ‘Crown Center’ energy feel free to book a free Discovery Session with me
With love,