Portrait of RutiCelli

‘The Power of Words’

Music is a wonderful outlet of expression that does not require words…

And yet, being so blessed with the ability to express myself freely without any words- I find that words are the most powerful tool I have besides music…

The book “Feel Free to prosper” by Marilyn Jenett suggests that “our words become our claim. It is our claim to our natural inheritance. It become the bridge between our heart felt desires and our creator/ spirit/ divine mind- which has the ways and means and know how to turn them into flesh. Our words are our manifesting connections to source energy- the law of our being. Our words become flesh, forms, materials. When we make and state our claim with faith and expectation our words are the manifesting mechanisms in our ‘fulfillment factory’. Our words become the law of our being”

We’re all going through a deep “identity crisis” these days… Mine started transforming in the last 23 years… and even more intensly- in the last 4 years. Meaning, I’ve been shedding all false sense of self especially the self built by conditioning. I have been shown a different way- of internal transformation. Going within. It’s been intense but I’ve seen the transformation unfolding and have understood that my journey of awakening includes a deep desire to share my unconditionally loved authentic voice, through intentional empowered words.

Oh what a magical poetic journey life is… What a treat to tap into the wisdom of words and the understanding of their power.

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