Sunset View

Mental Anxiety in the 2020’s:

One of my ways to practice better self care is by spending more time in nature… This is something I find incredibly healing as it inspires me and brings me closer to my own inner guidance.

When I’m by myself pondering about the world at large- I ask myself- “how do we find healthy ways to deal with the very strong division energy on Earth right now”? The Universal Law says that we are always going to be free to choose accordion to what feels right to us, which is perhaps one of the main reasons I have allowed myself to focus on my own healing first. I feel it is necessity to deal with the world from a more compassionate space. Which is why I am willing to bet that almost everyone on Earth is feeling this division energy on some level, and potentially even suffer from it.

However, this chaotic division we’re experiencing in the world right now is requiring us to become more unified from within us before we can unify from without. The last time we experienced a great collective struggle like the one experienced on 2020 was during World War 2, except the most current war has been targeting your perception and your inner truth. What you might want to focus on these days is the question- do I know who I am? If you don’t really know who you are you might try to find your answers elsewhere…

And because we are each being asked to take a stand and know where we stand- we all need to learn to observe our reactions before speaking. Why? because not doing so, I believe, we’ll continually find ourselves arguing, fighting and hating on one another. The tactic of “divide and conquer” is a well known ruling tactic of people in power- hoping to create enough chaos so that the division energy will create more need for control. And this is really how it multiplies in the direction of the frequency chosen. Once you chose fear- more fear will manifest in your life. Once you chose love & compassion- more of that energy will multiply in your life as well…

These 2 polar frequencies have no middle ground. You can’t remain afraid and expect love and light to guide you. Fear is a very destructive force, appearing stronger than ever on the planet. However it is forcing people to keep moving forward and that is a good thing. If things are meant to be destroyed and fall apart- let it. Change is a natural flow of life.

I believe that being more open and transparent about how one feels, as well as allowing one another to speak and be heard unconditionally in the process of making sense of what is going on the world stage- is super important. We can all choose to relate from the heart if we really want to, and that is what I intend to encourage my fans, readers, audience, clients, friends to do. To always do your best to relate from your heart about life. When you tap into your inner knowing- you remember that you’re here on Earth only temporarily… Remembering that can change your frequency and bring out a lot more gratitude. I think that collectively we can find out how to work together better, when we come from the heart space. Only than can we truly have an easier life and make satisfying progress.

If we genuinely seek to have healthier ways of living together with better relationships that support our soul- being able to receive the ‘real essence of who we are an individual is essential.

I invite you to start imagining the reality you want to be a part of with %100 commitment to yourself and to those you love. Becoming more real and vulnerable about your needs in your life is in my opinion “the key” to breaking free from frustration, bitterness and anger. Otherwise you most likely not live a very fulfilling life. The feeling of living with ‘unattained dreams’ can haunt you… especially when the yearning comes from a soul level…

For me the dream of living in 100% integrity with my inner truth started in 2016. I broke free form an environment that didn’t really care for my deepest insights and begun envisioning living more in vibrational alignment with those around me. I immediately envisioned that being in nature off the grid might do the trick… I called in for myself to live amongst people I love dearly…. And I must say that this vision begun to manifest as my living reality. I now live by the Redwoods of California, and allow myself to do all the things I love… I spend all my time in nature.. allowing my dream to keep evolving and become even clearer by the day.

I needed to step outside of the density of the big city lifestyle which I have known for all my life. I just couldn’t deal anymore with the crowd energy arguing about what I should do with my life or how I should treat my body.

When I realized that I want to do what’s right for me- I started feeling better. And only then did I notice how my moving away from the city benefited me and eventually also those around me. I was being real about my intuition and as a result- it completely liberated me.

The challenge is to know how to stay centered when you’re being confronted and not go against your soul no mater what. Social media is one of the most dangerous tools for impersonal misunderstandings amongst people who don’t know you… the investigation you’re conducting to justify your opinions are worth sharing but only those who are aligned with your vibration can get it…

I realized our individual health is our scared responsibility and property… To ignore our intuition is ignorance in itself and that can never serve us.

And you, may I ask how far would you go to put your tribe before you, before you chose to take care of yourself? healing your own trauma is respecting your journey here on Earth and living in alignment with your inner truth.

If we can’t properly listen to each other- we can’t grow. That means it’s time to listen within and decide to pay attention to what’s actually hurting.

By choosing to work on ourselves first I believe we could each better understand how to deal with all the exaggerated current polarities “out there”. In my humble opinion- no actual change is possible otherwise…

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